Narcos 3 – “Operation Archangel” – Practical information.

The game partakes in a small agricultural area just outside of Nässjö, Småland, Sweden, called Rödjenäs.
The area is mainly woodland, fields and small dirt roads. There are some smaller areas of more difficult terrain as small cliffs, creeks and stone areas that can be hard to traverse in non hiking gear.
There is a smaller railroad that passes through the area, that is used by a tram from Vetlanda to Nässjö.
There is no station for the train in the area.
Map over the area can be found here:

You can easiest travel by public transport to the area by taking a train to Nässjö and then either go by bus to Rödjenäs by using the “Linje 343” and getting of at Rödjenäs Gård. –
From there, its a short hike from the busstation to the off-game area where crew is located.
We on the other hand are more than happy to try to pick you up in Nässjö during Friday afternoon and evening with some beforehand information.

What is included in the price?
We will provide you with shelter if needed, access to firewood and water, some basic in-game sustenance, water-toilets and hot showers are available in the area.
It also includes, cost for game area, cost for travels for the crew, cost for food for crew and props and pyrotechnical effects.

In an effort to widen our player-base and spread our LARP/MILSIM experience to more LARP participants we are offering a discount for players choosing roles that are not “milsim oriented”.

What is the weather like in the area?

Since it is August, and in the middle of Sweden, we do expect some hotter weather. It probably wont be crazy hot this summer but prepare for warm weather and bring bottles for water.
There is always chance for rain since we are in Sweden. The area can be very damp if it have rained a lot during the week before the game due to it is situated close to a lake and its in the middle of Sweden.

Dress appropriately – Use the layer technique. Use a baselayer, then a second layer and a third layer outer clothing. Also account for rain.
The gamearea is large and can take some time to cross if that is your thing. A good bag to carry your necessities are useful.
A backpack of some kind is prefered.
Other than that, use the guidelines for what your character might wear in this area.
Contact us if you have any questions on clothing and other gear you might need.

Bring a sleeping bag and some sleepingmatress. We will do our best to provide warm and dry sleeping areas. It all depends on what role and function you are playing. There are some characters and players that have access to tents and indoor sleeping areas. Others will endure some nights outside under the stars.
We will however promise you that we will supply you with firewood and means to start a fire at your campsite where ever it might be. If you need and want it. Some players may prefer not to have campfires.
We can and will also provide with materials for you to build a shelter for you and your group if needed.
Please let us know if you have any such needs.