Narcos 4 – GHOST – Gear and info

A Ghost Recon fireteam have been deployed to Bolivia as part of Operation Archangel, a joint operation between the DEA, and JSOC.The two teams consists of a team leader, up to 2 specialists, 1 engineer, 1 medic and a sniper and spotter team.
The Ghosts enter Bolivia through a CIA contact codename “Blockbuster”.

The Ghosts mission is to dismantle the Santa Blanca Cartel, piece by piece, by targeting their four main operations.  The cocaine production facilities and stockpiles, disrupting smuggling operations, discrediting the cartel in the eyes of corrupt politicians and supporters, and inciting conflict between the cartel’s senior figures.
The team are tasked to capture or kill El Sueño’s top lieutenants and their key subordinates to further weaken the cartel’s grip over the region.

Number of players:
Maximum 2 teams of maximum 8 players.

Ticket Price: 
800 sek.

Covert missions, recon, direct action, night missions, sabotage.

Gear and clothing:
Ghost use mostly civilian gear not to rise to much suspicion from the cartel and the civilans in the area.
They operate covertly and try to stay out of sight as much as possible, gathering intel covertly and from far away during night and acting upon that intel in the protection of the dark at night.
They use modern assault vests and weaponry but are not limited to that in their operations.

Allowed, but is restricted to vehicles with a civilian look.
Contact the organizers with photos of your vehicle if you are to bring one.