Narcos 3 – Archangel Security – Gear and info


Archangel is an international arms dealer and smuggler. Known in the shadier parts of the underworld for his ability to get his hands on anything, for the right price. This time it’s not about business, this time it’s personal. 

After the murder of James Bishop by El Yayo’s thugs, and the betrayal of Claire Adamo. The time has come to once and for all end the threat to the organization that the Santa Blanca Cartel constitutes. 

Archangel has descended on Bolivia at the head of a large force of Military Contractors and Mercenaries. Both from Warfare Operations, and other groups.

20+ Spots.

Ticket Price: 800 sek.

Playstyle: This is a Private Military unit / Mercenary group. The missions will vary from the area of security to offensive missions.

Gear and clothing: The uniform that is worn by this unit is mixed civilian clothing from normal BDU trousers and jeans to t-shirts, combatshirts, shirts and jackets. The common denominator is that they will not be wearing any camo clothing.
Weaponry is anything; M4s, AKs or whatever you got.

Vehicles: Allowed, but is restricted to vehicles with a civilian but 4wd look.
Contact the organizers with photos of your vehicle if you are to bring one.